Wednesday, September 29, 2010

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - September 29

HI and thanks for reading! WOW - it's Wednesday already?!? WHEW! It's been another wonderful week in our world and here are some of the highlights...

Instead of begging (and even having to line the pockets of greedy) tournament directors to allow us to offer our video services, imagine how excited we were to be INVITED to participate in the 43rd Annual Southern Intercollegiate Championships by our new friend Coach Manny Diaz - UGA. Tennis is tennis, for sure, so it was all pretty familiar...

However, we did pick up on a few differences between junior tennis and college tennis: juniors get 5 minute warm-ups at the start of the match (college gets 3), juniors often complete the match within 90 minutes (college often completes the 1st set!), juniors often call the ball out when it's close (college players often call it IN when it's close), juniors often demonstrate pathetic bad behavior when frustration levels rise (college players had much more control, which they should) and juniors are permitted NO signals/coaching whatsoever (college coaches are permitted on the court at any time). WHY IS THAT??? I'm no tennis professional (no kidding) but that last point seems exactly backwards to me.

Anyway, great thanks to Coach Diaz and the entire staff at UGA, to our new friends: Coach Winterbotham (UT), Coach Goffi (USC), and Coach Goebel (MEMPHIS), and to all the college players. We had lots of fun, recorded lots of super-high-quality matches, saw lots of old friends, and made lots of new ones so overall, I would say it was a HUUUGE success!!! An extra bonus: It was completely drama-free...YAAAY! :) We learned a long time ago that any success we can hope to have will be based in large part on terrific relationships with terrific people - and this weekend just confirmed that as a fact.

When we weren't even looking, karma introduced the notion of HIGH-TECH TENNIS 'N GOLF to us this past spring... Then, karma recognized that May was our busiest month of the year so the golf fundraiser we'd been invited to attend was rescheduled for September 27th (this past Monday)... Then karma realized we're just too busy to give golf the attention it deserved so Atlanta was engulfed in a 2-day rainout. LOL - You can argue with karma but you probably won't win. :)

Thanks, as always, to YOU for your amazing support. Our video cameras will be looking for YOU - but hope you're not in FL because we're not coming down there to look. Don't forget to check back next week for another exciting report from the world of HIGH-TECH TENNIS! :)



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