Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Should Tennis Loosen Up? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

A professional tennis player (who I won't name but I'm sure you can guess) recently generated some pretty harsh controversy when he said that the sport of tennis should loosen up. I'm not exactly sure what prompted him to make this statement but a quick Google search reveals his history of running his mouth.
For me, I say respect ALL tennis players, so kudos to him for his talent, even though h
e's not my favorite - not even close, but then I'm all FED, all the time (you already knew that) but he cannot be serious!!!I wonder if it ever occurs to him that he is sooo incredibly lucky to be paid to play a G-A-M-E.

Read on to see what other FB folks had to say...and please share your thoughts, particularly with respect to junior tennis players...because that is what these observations are all about.

As always, the very last thing we want to do is generate any controversy whatsoever.

Junior tennis is a journey, not a destination...
You might as well enjoy it!

It doesn't leave a good impression for players to have hissy fits during matches. Occasional losing of temper is probably ok but being known for throwing tantrums and looking and acting like a sore loser (even if you say that you're angry at yourself) every time is not a good impression to leave. Somebody said that "Sports reveals character". I kinda agree with this quote.

It's called sportsmanship. This player needs to grow up!

If you want violence in sports, go watch hockey or football.
Tennis is a gentleman's sport and should stay that way. Take some cues from the more humble, grateful players instead of crying like a big baby when you don't get your way. Can't wait until this player retires and gets off my TV screen.

This player can't rise to handle the pressure, so he asks the game to lower itself to him? A high-strung genius like McEnroe should be the exception, not the rule. Tantrums are disrespectful to your opponent and the spectators.

Tennis is the only professional sport where the participants can berate an official without significant penalty. All other sports they would be EJECTED!!! I'm fed up with some pro tennis players and their on court tirades! Grow up!
You are setting a bad example for the juniors who idolize you!!!!

If anything, tennis needs to tighten up at times. Players are getting away with too much unsportsmanlike conduct that would never be permitted in professional badminton. Also, there is far too much time wasting permitted in tennis - excessive ball bouncing, excessive towel usage, changing racquets that are not broken during a game and other tactics that drag games on far too long.
Time is being wasted not only by the server, but the person receiving the serve.
It gets boring!!!

Life is too short to be pissy about what you do for a living.

I love the pure sport, forget the juvenile acting out. If you understand the game, there is so much skill and beauty in it, you don't need that type of baggage to make it "interesting."



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