As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - October 13
HI and thanks for reading! AS USUAL, it's been another wonderful week in our world and we hope you're ready for some highlights with loads of THANK YOUs - we always give credit where it's due - and it's definitely due!
GREAT THANKS to the universe for arranging our schedule so we could attend a very special fundraiser (Sunday night) in loving memory of our good friend SEAN COSTELLO (79-08). May uuu always RIP and there'll be "No Half-Steppin'".
GREAT THANKS to the universe for arranging our schedule so we could attend a very special fundraiser (Sunday night) in loving memory of our good friend SEAN COSTELLO (79-08). May uuu always RIP and there'll be "No Half-Steppin'".
GREAT THANKS this week to cool coach Craig Jones (Petersburg Racquet Club) for his vision and his wonderful coordination of college recruits AND academy video session players...Too bad we ran into some technical difficulties that were especially nasty but we'll be back and better than ever real soon - that's a PROMISE.
GREAT THANKS to more cool coaches: Sam Kennedy (Cascade Road), Jewel Peterson (Peterson School of Tennis), and Torrey Hawkins (Windward Academy) for hooking us up with still MORE college recruits in need this week. Our College Recruit Videos are hugely popular and if you didn't know it before, you know it now, LOL.
The greatest GREAT THANKS goes to YOU for your amazing support. As always, we couldn't do what we do if you didn't do what you do - so let's keep doing it and all will be right with the world. Special shout out to my buddy, without whom none of this would matter. Thanks for BRINGING IT and providing the other half of the HIGH-TECH TENNIS HUSTLE, lol. Hope every one of you has a great week and don't forget to check back next week for another thrilling report from the exciting world of HIGH-TECH TENNIS! :)
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