Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What are YOUR goals??

I was thinking the other day about a conversation we had last spring with a super-nice customer friend of ours from South Carolina. We met this family in 2007, they have two daughters who play a ton of junior tennis, and we've recorded them literally hundreds of times over the past five years!!!
Everytime the father sees us, he tells us how grateful he is that we've enabled him to have a "video archive" of his daughters as they're growing up. He said he just can't understand why parents feel it's more important to buy more lessons, more clothing, and more STUFF but then think they can't afford to go the extra "mile" and buy a video. He said that kind of thinking is just "CRAZY" (his word - not mine).
He also told us he wishes somebody would take a poll of parents to learn what their goals are and what they’re actually trying to accomplish by having their kids compete at junior tournaments.
He shared that when he (and his girls) first got involved, they had no idea what to expect and they’ve learned so much over the years (he was definitely NOT talking about how to actually “play” tennis).
He said that the chance of playing pro tennis is so very remote for most players (we’ve read that an estimated 99% of American tennis players will not make the top 100 in the world professionally) and many will be lucky to play college tennis (even though they actually spend more $$$ trying to obtain a college scholarship than the actual worth of that scholarship).
Rather, he wished that parents would realize what he considered to be the REALLY important reasons to have your kid involved in competitive junior tennis – because it gives young players an opportunity to learn important traits like HARD WORK, COMMITMENT, RESPECT FOR OTHERS, ORGANIZATION, PRIORITIES, TIME MANAGEMENT, and so many others.
He said that being a tennis parent involves big sacrifices (which he was more than willing to make) but he felt it was important for parents to be realistic (hey - there's that word again) about what they were doing and why.
He was sharing some priceless wisdom – we couldn’t have said it better – and we sure hope someone out there is listening. Remember, this comes from someone who has walked the walk (of years in junior tennis with his own daughters) and now he’s talking the talk.
We’re including it here as food for thought FOR YOU! J
As always, the very last thing we want to do is generate any controversy whatsoever.
Junior tennis is a journey, not a destination...
You might as well enjoy it!



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