As you may know, we've been recording matches for junior tennis players for TEN YEARS. We've met hundreds <thousands?> of kids but we've only met ONE ANGEL.
We chose not to have kids of our own but that doesn't stop us <me> from really connecting with certain players, especially when we see each other repeatedly at tourneys where we spend loads of free time with each other for years on end. I can't explain why but I've always been drawn to a young girl named ANGEL. Not sure exactly when we met but I've known her at least since 2012 because I snapped most of these pics :)
*We're proud to support our partners at holabird sports & we were happy to share one of the bright tees with Angel when we saw her in Montgomery, AL in 2015*
*100 kids can walk by without me saying a word but there's something about ANGEL: I always say HELLOO to her & she always greets me with a warm smile as she did in Mobile, ALin 2014*
*For who-knows-what-reason, ANGEL has always tolerated me endlessly taking her picture as she did in Mobile, AL in 2014*
*Getting her braces off was such a big, big deal & ANGEL showed me her beautiful smile in Louisville, KY in 2013*
*Didn't take this pic of ANGEL from 2012 but Allison Johnston's mother asked us to include it in Allison's Match Memory Video*
*Didn't take this pic from 2012 but ANGEL'S proud dad told me about her winning the Sportsmanship Award & he agreed to send the pic*
So she's certainly photogenic :) & I always knew there was something special about her but I could never put my finger on what it was...until I very suddenly & very tragically lost my step-brother last fall <!!!!> & then I truly learned that the inside of this beautiful ANGEL is just as beautiful as the outside.
When I saw ANGEL approaching our tent, I greeted her as always --- then <in spite of the fact that we were working & surrounded by hundreds of players & parents @ the Mobile Tennis Center> I spent the next 2 hours <?> crying my heart out & sharing my most personal feelings with this young lady. In that moment, she was more of a loving disciple in a dark blue warm-up <look @ 2nd pic above> than a 14yo child!! She gently listened as I explained what happened & we discussed whether I have a strong religious background <I don't>. She shared how important her faith is to her & she encouraged me that this might be the time to pursue that. She hugged me many, many times as I tried <& failed> to regain my composure. In those moments, ANGEL was a calm, sweet sounding board & it was easy to forget she was just a child.
When we finished talking, I knew we'd shared something very special. Again, I'd always felt drawn to ANGEL but now I knew we were connected. I have never experienced that feeling before & I will never ever forget it. I sent a video to surprise her & she wrote back with a 2-page handwritten letter. She didn't just say "THANKS" but instead she included a very personal message. Among many other things, here is what she said: "You have a huge heart & I pray for you & your husband Danny that you both will find your way to God through Jesus." Again, I do not have a strong <or any> faith but the experience I shared with Angel was as close to a miracle as I've ever been.
Having said all that, I am so very proud to share this video that ANGEL just sent to me. I'm sure she has no idea that mental health has always been a very personal subject to me. Having several family members & close friends who struggled with & lost the battle against mental health issues, I know how incredibly important it is to #StopTheStigma.
If the sensitivity & maturity of the following video don't touch you, brother <sister?> you ain't human, LOL!
What a powerful message & even more powerful messenger!!
This obviously has nothing to do with junior tennis...
It's about something much, much bigger.
Thanks, ANGEL...Love Ya!
Labels: Precious Moments
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