Wednesday, November 10, 2010

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - November 10

HI and thanks for reading! Well, it's been another wonderful week in our world - OMG, has it ever! Read all about it:

We were so excited to participate in our 4th consecutive MOBILE BULLFROG and we hoped (and sort of expected) to be pretty busy but my oh my - we had no idea this would happen: WE DOUBLED OUR NUMBERS OVER LAST YEAR (and last year's numbers were nothing to sneeze at, LOL)!!! WOW O WOW - We blew past our previous Bullfrog record (set 6 weeks ago in Cary) and we just demolished our previous one day record (set 6 months ago at the Spring Closed in Mobile).

OF COURSE, we're well aware that we owe sooo much to sooo many and this week's GREAT THANKS go to one of our favorite people on the planet: TD Scott Novak. Scott took a pretty big chance on us four years ago when we called to ask if we could be part of the excitement at the Mobile Tennis Center. We hope he NEVER regrets taking that chance and we're happy to do anything he asks of us in our ongoing effort to repay that kindness.

Then, I was chatting with a wonderful new customer friend from Athens on Sunday (what's ur next tourn, etc). She offered / made a quick phone call--next thing we know we're going to the Athens Bulldog Junior Chps this Saturday for ONE DAY ONLY. So pls reserve your matches ASAP... Can't wait to see old friends and make new ones in Athens in just 3 short days... GREAT THANKS to Angie Thompson for the Athens hookup! We just never know where the break is gonna come and we're ready for the next great adventure, LOL. Oh and don't let me forget to say GREAT THANKS to the tennis gods for making Danny's arm well enough to handle all this exciting excitement!

By far the greatest GREAT THANKS goes to YOU, our amazing customers and friends. We realize that we're surrounded by such outstanding good will and that's what enables us to live this dreeeeeeamy dream. Not only that, what a privilege it is to help your junior tennis player play better tennis!!! And don't ever forget that our video cameras will be looking for YOU!!! :)



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