As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - January 10
A Snowy Day In Georgia
HI and thanks for reading! This is our FIRST blog update for the new year and we are SO EXCITED about all the exciting things to come in 2011. The more things change, though, the more they stay the same. We remain COMMITTED to improving the game of tennis through technology...and helping tennis players play better tennis. Another thing that has not (and will not) change: our reputation means the world to us and we work to protect it in every way on every day. So let's get started by hitting the highlights and giving shout-outs to people who made our lives wonderful over the past TWO WEEKS...Ready?
For the 3rd consecutive year, we were proud to offer our video services at the back-to-back Winter Southern Closed/New Year's Classic events - if you haven't been to Kentucky in December, you haven't lived! GREAT THANKS to our friend TD Chris Mather for making us feel welcome and appreciated at The Tennis Club at Springhurst in Louisville, KY. KNOW THIS: All tournament directors are NOT created equal...and Chris could show many of them a thing or two about running a tournament for the right reasons. We hate that Kentucky is sooo far but we just can't imagine a better spot to celebrate New Year's Eve (LOL)-guess where we'll be next year? :)
The work goes on and my dream will never die, LOL...I am determined to share "What Could Go Wrong? Observations from FIVE YEARS in the Trenches with Competitive Junior Tennis Players" with eager tennis enthusiasts everywhere! HA! :) GREAT THANKS to Jason Lampione (Publishing Director for Tennis World USA Digital Magazine) for encouraging me to submit the first in a series of articles. STAY TUNED! :)
We've been part of TEAM BABOLAT for the past 4+ years...We haven't always realized how important Babolat is to junior tennis players...BUT NOW WE DO. GREAT THANKS to Kevin Klabunde (Southeastern Babolat Rep) for supplying great Babolat prizes and for adding us to the agenda for the Annual Meeting. As a small way to repay this kindness, we created a fun video to promote the BABOLAT/HIGH-TECH TENNIS partnership (thanks to the Babolat players for supplying fantastic content) and we're having lots of fun forwarding and sharing that video wherever and however we can!
We've had the support of Tennis Recruiting Network for the past 4+ years...and we just didn't fully understand what that could mean to us...BUT NOW WE DO. GREAT THANKS to Julie Wrege (Editor) for endorsing us and for being willing to pursue ways that we might work together to support competitive tennis players through the recruiting process.
This is quite long because, as you can see, things are changing - FOR THE BETTER - but as always, the greatest GREAT THANKS goes to YOU, our wonderful customer friends. As we begin the SIXTH YEAR of our existence, we are so very aware of what a privilege it is to play a small part in the development of your junior tennis player - and we love living this dreamy dream of a life! Thank you for your ongoing support - and our cameras will be looking for YOU in this new year! :)
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