Wednesday, November 17, 2010

As HIGH-TECH TENNIS Turns - November 17

HI and thanks for reading! It has really been a wonderful week in our world. Hope you're ready for some highlights because they're ready for you!

As you may remember, we went to the MOBILE BULLFROG last week and WOW O WOW - WE DOUBLED OUR NUMBERS OVER LAST YEAR! We finished the tournament on Monday afternoon and then we hung around for back2back Women's Clinics...See, we're not just for juniors anymore, LOL!!! Believe me, those women (of all ages and all abilities) were reeeeeeally into it. One of them even told me she worked for a local tv station and asked whether we'd be interested in them doing a feature on us? WOULD WE EVER!!!!!!!!! :) Stay tuned...We've almost hit the big time now, lololol.

So we set a goal of getting the DVDs into the mail by Friday and that meant we kicked the HIGH-TECH TENNIS HUSTLE into high gear on Wednesday morning. If you're keeping track at home, we burned and distributed 75 DVDs in two and a half days. NOT BAD, hey? :) Of course, we barely slept or ate or did anything else but we met our goal. YAAAY for us!

We brought our video services to the Athens Bulldog Junior Championships for the first time and GREAT THANKS go out to TD Cole Donley - a good guy who GETS IT. We had a great time and Cole welcomed us back to any of his tournaments next year. YAHOO!!! Since then, we watched our beloved Vikings lose on Sunday (sigh) and Danny's been busy with College Recruit Videos while I've been coordinating events for 2011 and doing everything else that needs done (Danny thinks he does all the work - but we know better). :)

As always, the GREATEST THANKS goes to YOU, our wonderful customer friends. We work hard ("It's a tough way to make an easy living!") but it's a real privilege to live this dreamy dream and we so appreciate your kindness and your amazing support. November has been a month of celebrations (HIGH-TECH TENNIS turned 5 last week) and we're celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this weekend. No worries, though, we'll be back in Mobile at the National Open BG14 next week and our cameras will be looking for YOU! :)



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